
Parent’s Guide to Online Safety

With the aim to help guide children and young people toward safe, enjoyable experiences online, the Office of the eSafety Commissioner have created a series of short articles to help educate parents about the changing nature of the on line world. We will be publishing these regularly in our newsletter and encourage you to discuss these with your child.

Springside West Secondary College will be discussing similar issues with your child with the hope to encourage behavioural change-where young people act responsibly online-just as they would offline.

For more information about the articles and extra resources please visit


Supporting your child online
Childhood bullying used to be face-to-face physical and verbal behaviour in the playground, classroom and on the way to and from school. Now online technology and constant connectivity has allowed bullying to harm children through often anonymous contact or actions. Cyberbullying can happen at any time and leave a child feeling unsafe and alone.

Cyberbullying commonly occurs through:

Children can manage cyberbullying with your support by taking the following action:

Visiting iParent for a list of sources of professional support including the Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, eheadspace on 1800 650 890 or parentline.