SEAL Edutest registration timeline and process
- Year 7 enrolments are finalised on or after the Wed 20th July and you will receive a letter of offer from your child’s current primary school.
- SEAL Edutest registration will open to parents after 20th July for students who have been offered a place at the school.
- Testing will take place in late August, with dates confirmed once you are registered to sit the test.
- After results from testing are received, students will be shortlisted and interviews will follow shortly afterwards.
- Applicants will be notified as to whether your child has been offered a place in the Year 7 SEAL class for 2023 prior to orientation day at the school.
Note: This process will ensure that your application has been received and your proof of residency has been confirmed with the school.
If your proof of residency hasn’t been confirmed and you haven’t been offered a place, you will not be allowed to register to sit the test with Springside West Secondary College.