Junior Years
The Junior Years program at Springside West Secondary College, provides students with a broad overview of the various subjects and pathways on offer, whilst also meeting the requirements of the Victorian Curriculum. All students undertake a core program for two years. Students’ loads are split between year-long courses, along with semester-based subjects in the Arts, Design and Technology faculties.
The following sections outline the opportunities students will have in each of the subjects as highlighted in the table to the right.

Year 7
The Year 7 program is designed to develop a strong foundation for each student in each of the essential learning areas as outlined in the Victorian Curriculum. The bulk of the Teaching and Learning program is based around core subject areas. Students are however, provided with an opportunity to begin exploring a variety of courses in the Arts, Design and Technology faculties.
These rotate throughout the year with students undertaking each subject for one semester only. Italian is a compulsory Languages course which all students undertake throughout both Year 7 and 8. Please note that there are no student-choice electives offered in Year 7.
Year 8
The Year 8 program continues building upon the essential learning undertaken by students in Year 7. Once again, students study a core program, which includes two new semester-long courses in the Arts, as well as in the Design and Technology faculties. Italian continues to be a compulsory subject for students in Year 8.