Prospective enrolments and zoning

If you are interested in enrolling at our school, please visit our enrolments officer at the front office to collect an Application form.

An enrolment form will be provided when placement is offered.


Our school follows the Department of Education’s Enrolment Policy for the enrolment, placement, and transfer of students.

Students who live within the school zone are guaranteed a place at our school. To find out whether you live in zone, visit:

All other applications will be considered subject to available space, and prioritised according to:

  1. Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time
  2. All other students in order of closeness of their home to the school.

Evidence for demonstrating permanent residence

When assessing enrolment applications, we request that parents/carers provide supporting documentation to assist in verifying a child’s permanent residence. Supporting documentation may include original or certified copies of rental agreements, unconditional contracts of sale or other official documentation that demonstrates permanent residence. To obtain sufficient supporting documentation, we ask parents/carers to complete a Residential address check (PDF).

Students transitioning from Grade 6 into Year 7

For students in government primary school

Primary schools will initiate the transition process within the first few weeks of Term 2. Families will be informed by primary schools about the specific school they are zoned for, though parents or carers can also check Application forms, along with necessary documentation for a residential address check, must be submitted to the primary school. Offers for Year 7 placement will be released on 17/07, with primary schools offering guidance on the appeals process.

SWSC is unable to discuss or communicate on the application outcomes until after this date. Subsequently, families will receive information about the assigned school and other enrolment paperwork.

For students from non-government primary school

Parents or carers have the option to confirm their designated school zone through 

Applications are obtainable from the SWSC front office. Administrative staff will guide parents or carers in ensuring that all necessary documentation is provided for a complete application. The outcome of applications will be communicated to families on 17/07. Post this date, the application process aligns with the government school protocol, and families will receive details about the assigned school along with enrolment documentation.

International students

The application form can be used for international students unless they hold a subclass 500 student visa (a student visa in their own name).

A new international student application must be submitted for subclass 500 visa holders at International Student Program. The International Education Division will formalise the enrolment of these students through the International Student Program.

For further information, please contact the International Education Division at or via phone on +61 3 9084 8497.